Consisting of five core businesses, the company retails premium automobiles, distributes heavy machinery, develops property, trades and has interests in finance and investment services.
We have served this company since 1999, including transforming its ageing warehouse into a modern office building. The clean interiors, framed by wood, metal cladding and carefully selected tiles, are supported by a contemporary staircase. Outside, a cantilevered roof greets visitors as they come up the driveway. Surrounding the office, we introduced bamboo shoots and trees to create an inviting landscape in an otherwise harsh industrial neighbourhood. After 19 years, we continue to serve this long-term client.
“I had the pleasure of working with Alexis Yeong over a period spanning the last 15 years.
Alexis has served us at Lei Shing Hong (Singapore) Pte Ltd through our last several moves and renovations with creativity and passion. Throughout our association with him, he and his team has proven to be accommodating, patient, dedicated, knowledgeable and professional in carrying out their job scope.”
—Elizabeth Anne Neo, Director, Lei Shing Hong (Singapore) Pte Ltd